Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Elements & Principles of Photography

1. Leading Lines - a composition technique where the viewer is attracted to lines that lead directly to the principle subject in the image

The viewer is focused on the railroad tracks lines. 

2. Vertical Lines - vertical lines have the ability to convey moods such as power or strength also by playing up the height of the subject

The vertical lines of the beach huts emphasizes the height.

3. Horizontal Lines - horizontal lines convey 'stability' or 'rest'

The horizontal lines of the flowers show rest in the field. 

4. Diagonal Lines - diagonal lines draw an image's viewer through the photograph and create points of interest that give an image of depth 

The diagonal lines of the wires draw interest to the birds in the middle. 

5. Curved Lines - curved lines adds beauty and allows the eyes to explore an image freely.
The curved lines make the picture interesting.

6. Symmetrical Balance - when one or more identical or similar subjects are repeated symmetrical on each sides of a given point

The symmetry in the escalators gives a sense of balance to the photo.

7. Asymmetrical Balance - when one or more dissimilar subjects are balancing on each side of a given point

The one cup is opposite of the stack of cups.

8. Unity - occurs when all of the elements of a piece combine to make a balanced, complete whole

All of the hands in the circle combine to make a balanced photo

9. Variety - combining elements of art to make intricate and complex relationships

The various flowers express a complex relationship

10. Movement/Rhythm - when a photo has a flow of objects and the viewer's eyes are brought to a focal point

The viewer's eyes are brought to the bear and there is movement in the background

11. Emphasis - an area or object that is a focal point in the photo

The focal point is on the astronaut

12. Proportion/Scale - the relationship between objects or parts of the whole

The space between the stones create scale

13. Repetition/Pattern - when you repeat a certain size, shape or color to add strength to the photo

The repetition of the pencils adds strength to the photograph

14. Bird's Eye View - When the photograph is from a higher perspective

The camera is looking down on the people in the pool.

15. Worm's Eye View - When the photograph is from a lower perspective

The camera is looking up at the mushroom.

16. Horizon Line - when a perpendicular line, at eye level is evident in a picture

The horizon line can be seen where the buildings meet the water.

17. Rule of Thirds - occurs whenever you apply the guide lines and the image flows within the boxes

The subject is located on a crash point, which is a prime spot for subjects, since our eyes go directly there.

18. Framing - when you use other objects to frame your subject 

The gate is used to frame the building.

19. Simplicity - occurs whenever the subject is placed next to a plain background

The background is plain and the focus is all on the flowers. 

20. Texture - when the detail of the surface can be seen

The detail of the fur can easily be seen.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Camera Basics Quiz

Quiz B
ISO 1600
Aperture 22.0
Shutter Speed 1/6

ISO 1600

Aperture 14.0
Shutter Speed 1/13

ISO 6400
Shutter Speed

Friday, November 7, 2014

Understanding White Balance








ISO 800
Shutter Speed 1/30
Aperture 4.5

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Understanding ISO

ISO 200
Aperture 5.6
Shutter Speed 1.6

ISO 1600
Aperture 5.6
Shutter Speed 1/5

ISO is the measure of a digital camera sensor's sensitivity to light. ISO changes the brightness of the picture. The higher the ISO the higher the aperture. 

Understanding Shutter Speeds

                  ISO 1600
Aperture 5.6
Shutter Speed 1/100

ISO 1600
Aperture 5.0
Shutter Speed 1/200

Shutter speed is the amount of time that the shutter is open. The longer it is open the more light that comes in. The higher the shutter speed the higher the aperture.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Understanding Aperture

                IOS: 800
             Aperture: 4.5
       Shutter Speed: 1/200

                IOS: 800
           Aperture: 11.0
       Shutter Speed: 1/60

1. Aperture is the size of the opening in the lens when the picture is taken.
2. When the aperture is lower the picture is brighter, and vice versa.
3. The higher the aperture the higher the shutter speed and vice versa.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Photographic Themes

This project was a nice way to learn how to work through Photoshop.  I thought this project turned out nicely. I wish I would've taken all of the pictures on the same camera, so that they could look similar in resolution. My favorite pictures are my temptation picture and my lazy picture. The temptation picture is of a dog wanting a treat. I thought the lighting and position of the dog came out nicely. The lazy picture is of my friend sleeping on a bucket. I thought it depicted the word very well.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Peer Introduction

Dear 5 Seconds of Summer,
            I’m happy to introduce you to one of your fans, Christianna Willis. You might see her at one of your concerts, because she loves taking pictures at concerts! She describes herself as being curious and weird. Even though she’s your fan, she might wait a bit to buy tickets to your concert, since she’s a procrastinator. You can find her most of the time in her room. She tends to be quiet, but if you get to know her she’s talkative. One of her biggest fears is someone breaking into her house. If she could have one super power she would want to read people’s minds. If you ever want to take her out on a date then you should take her to Olive Garden, because it’s her favorite restaurant.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Photo Project

1.     Anger       

Ouwais depicts "anger" in this picture, because the face he is making shows this emotion.
2.     Power

As you can see, Ouwais has some seriously muscles. He depicts "power".
3.     Ugly

This depicts "ugly" because she is making an ugly face. She has a double chin and is scrunching her nose up.
4.     Calm

Bo is meditating. Meditation is used to calm people down and it puts people at ease.
5.     Compassion

This photograph depicts "compassion" because it shows the love between her and her dog. They both are very happy.
6.     Authority

This picture depicts authority, because Mr. Robinson is a principal and he is considered authority over us students.
7.     Pride

Track and Field plays a very important role in my life, and i'm very proud of what I have accomplished so far in it.
8.     Mysterious

Nate depicts "mysterious", because he looks like he is hiding a secret.
9.     Wisdom

I took this picture of Maheera because she was studying and doing homework and she looks studious and like she has wisdom.
10.  Love

Bo and Nate are in love. This photograph of them holding hands clearly shows two people who love each other. 
11.  Lazy

This picture depicts the word "lazy", because she got tired during a day of fishing and decided to sleep on the bucket. 
12.  Temptation

Temptation is shown through the anticipation the dog has for the treat. She is looking very intently at it and can not wait until she can eat it.
13.  Happiness

Kierstyn's smile shows that she is happy. Her eyes seem happy too.
14.  Growth

I chose this picture for growth, because it is of my pap and his sons(my dad and uncle). It shows growth because it's family over time and how generations have changed. 
15.  Memories

This depicts "memories", because this was taken before my friends and I walked to the top of a lighthouse when we went to the beach. 
16.  Sounds

Isaac depicts "sounds" by shouting out. His hands show that he is calling out.
17.  Diversity

Kierstyn and Ouwais are different races, so I put their picture because it shows they are different. 
18.  Dangerous

This picture is from whenever I went to North Park's Go Ape, which is a ropes course. It's really high off the ground, so it is considered to be pretty dangerous.
19.  Hope

She is looking out and wishing on the stars, which shows hope.
20.  Truth

This is represents "truth"  because it's a pinky promise. It symbolizes truth because you are swearing to tell the truth. 
21.  Patriotic

Morgan is wearing an American flag shirt which shows her patriotism towards her country. Her hands on her hips also show that she is proud of her shirt.
22.  Sad
Morgan doesn't like whenever I take pictures of her in the morning. So, I chose this for sad, because she looks unhappy.
23.  Terrifying

Ouwais' eyes are rolled back into his head. His hands look like he is plotting an evil plan. 
24.  Abandoned

She is all alone. Her face looks sad and she is curled up in ball as if she has been abandoned.
25.  Courage

The way she is posed represents "courage". Her leg is up on the rock and her hands are on her hips.