Friday, September 26, 2014

Photo Project

1.     Anger       

Ouwais depicts "anger" in this picture, because the face he is making shows this emotion.
2.     Power

As you can see, Ouwais has some seriously muscles. He depicts "power".
3.     Ugly

This depicts "ugly" because she is making an ugly face. She has a double chin and is scrunching her nose up.
4.     Calm

Bo is meditating. Meditation is used to calm people down and it puts people at ease.
5.     Compassion

This photograph depicts "compassion" because it shows the love between her and her dog. They both are very happy.
6.     Authority

This picture depicts authority, because Mr. Robinson is a principal and he is considered authority over us students.
7.     Pride

Track and Field plays a very important role in my life, and i'm very proud of what I have accomplished so far in it.
8.     Mysterious

Nate depicts "mysterious", because he looks like he is hiding a secret.
9.     Wisdom

I took this picture of Maheera because she was studying and doing homework and she looks studious and like she has wisdom.
10.  Love

Bo and Nate are in love. This photograph of them holding hands clearly shows two people who love each other. 
11.  Lazy

This picture depicts the word "lazy", because she got tired during a day of fishing and decided to sleep on the bucket. 
12.  Temptation

Temptation is shown through the anticipation the dog has for the treat. She is looking very intently at it and can not wait until she can eat it.
13.  Happiness

Kierstyn's smile shows that she is happy. Her eyes seem happy too.
14.  Growth

I chose this picture for growth, because it is of my pap and his sons(my dad and uncle). It shows growth because it's family over time and how generations have changed. 
15.  Memories

This depicts "memories", because this was taken before my friends and I walked to the top of a lighthouse when we went to the beach. 
16.  Sounds

Isaac depicts "sounds" by shouting out. His hands show that he is calling out.
17.  Diversity

Kierstyn and Ouwais are different races, so I put their picture because it shows they are different. 
18.  Dangerous

This picture is from whenever I went to North Park's Go Ape, which is a ropes course. It's really high off the ground, so it is considered to be pretty dangerous.
19.  Hope

She is looking out and wishing on the stars, which shows hope.
20.  Truth

This is represents "truth"  because it's a pinky promise. It symbolizes truth because you are swearing to tell the truth. 
21.  Patriotic

Morgan is wearing an American flag shirt which shows her patriotism towards her country. Her hands on her hips also show that she is proud of her shirt.
22.  Sad
Morgan doesn't like whenever I take pictures of her in the morning. So, I chose this for sad, because she looks unhappy.
23.  Terrifying

Ouwais' eyes are rolled back into his head. His hands look like he is plotting an evil plan. 
24.  Abandoned

She is all alone. Her face looks sad and she is curled up in ball as if she has been abandoned.
25.  Courage

The way she is posed represents "courage". Her leg is up on the rock and her hands are on her hips. 

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